Shovels are very useful both in both the garden and for a variety of uses out in the wild; however, your typical shovel isn’t very portable for on the road. Enter the Bully Tools Steel Trunk Shovel, a compact yet versatile tool for outdoor enthusiasts—making it perfect for camping, working in small areas, or storing in a car for emergencies (off-roaders take note!). It works great for digging, whether you are prepping a camp site or landscaping in your garden. Its all-steel construction means it’s durable even against the toughest soil, hot campfire coals, or off-road obstacles. Made with 14-gauge 100% Made In The USA steel, it’s up to 30% more durable against foreign competitors. It also features a D-shaped polypropylene grip with a no-slip texture, designed to increase leverage and reduce hand fatigue, while wide enough to accommodate work gloves. The Bully Tools Steel Trunk Shovel with Poly D-Grip comes with a limited lifetime warranty that protects against defects in material and workmanship.
Founded in 1994. Bully Tools manufactures 100% made in the USA gardening and farm tools, shingle removers, floor scrapers, forestry and other specialty tools. With an unprecedented history of quality, Bully Tools is committed to applying the same reliability to our business practices. Bully Tools continues to grow and adapt to meet the ever changing needs of the economy and their consumers.

Mikaela –
Great little shovel! I bought it to mount in the back of my Jeep XJ along side a Fiskars Axe. They are both black and match perfectly, which is what I was going for. It’ll be perfect for the trail just in case someone other than me gets stuck!
ShawnInPaso –
This size shovel is perfect for my Jeep. I mounted it on a Gobi rack using quickfists. Since the shovel is nearly black it doesn’t stand out, making it less obvious for thieves. Others have commented about the label taking the paint off when peeled away, but that did not happen at all for me.
The Dutchman –
Mainly I was after a metal handled shovel that wouldn’t break. I have five shovel heads out in my yard that one by one busted the handles off. I wanted one that was welded together and that being a bit smaller could be driven into hard packed soil. This one has the added advantage that for transplanting shrubs it’s just about the perfect size, I use it constantly to transplant things from place to place. I can get in close to my plants and take up just the root balls, not a cubic foot of extra dirt and rocks that has to be scraped off once the plants are dug up.
Of course, the grip on the top IS plastic, but it feels sturdy as all heck. I do not see this snapping on me.
This shovel might just be the longest lasting one I will have ever paid for…
Iron American –
THIS FREAKING SHOVEL. On set for a short film, we bought about 10 different shovels. 3 shovels were test props, while the other 7 were for when the truck would occasionally get stuck in the snow/ice. EVERY FREAKING SHOVEL BROKE, EXCEPT FOR THIS ONE, WHICH WAS A PROP SHOVEL. This shovel can withstand the might of Thanos, be used as a battering ram for SWAT teams, and hold up the world in the likes of Atlas. This shovel will rust, before it ever breaks. It shouldn’t even be considered a shovel. This is a lightweight anvil.
Customer –
Shovel is of good weight and seems pretty sturdy. The welds look good and powder coat looks even. This shovel seems like it will hold up to some abuse ( I only did minor yard penatrations, no real digging yet) The only down side I can see is the spade is a little on the flatter side so scooping out mud or something similar may be a pain as you won’t be able to hold to much material. I haven’t trail tested this shovel yet but will definitely edit my review after I put it to some real work.
Kevin –
This is a good shovel to put on your rack if you offroad. It is compact enough to fit my rack on my Jeep. I attached it to my Hi Lift jack. Its steel and has great welds. I did add another coat of paint for the extra rust protection, as I live on the gulf. I’ve used it plenty to help dig out stuck vehicles. It should last quite a few years.
GreenToolGuy –
This shovel feels very sturdy. It is made in USA and appears to be very high quality so far. The spade head is not very large on this model but its not supposed to be, This is the second Bully tools item I have bought and I will continue to buy their products based on their durability and when the quality is there I always prefer to buy American items. I know quite a few others out there do too.
Giff Hancock –
The shovel seems well built. I was a bit disappointed with the size of the shovel. It doesn’t seem that much larger than one of those folding military style shovels and more expensive.
Keith –
If you’re looking for a bomb-proof portable shovel for your 4×4/camping/etc this is it. It fits perfectly in my Decked drawers, would also be great on a rack. It’s small enough to be unobtrusive and stored out of the way but large enough to be useful as a “real” shovel. I looked at a lot of shovels for my off-road adventures and this one does not disappoint.
Lee Simmons –
I have a Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk with a Rhino Rack roof platform and have added tie-downs and other attachments, but decided to find a compact, but sturdy shovel for potential recovery applications. I looked around at a number of different options, but each one had a downside: wood handles, too large, made in China, etc., so I kept looking and that’s when I found the Bully Tools shovel. At 32″ it’s the right size, it’s black so as to not look weird on the roof rack, it’s made of steel and best of all, It’s made here in the USA. It really appears to be one tough shovel and from now on, when we need yard or other tools, we’ll check with Bully Tools first.
I almost forgot: Shipping was FREE and I ordered it on Wednesday evening and received it on Friday! Lastly, when I removed the label, the paint was perfect.